We are running ACE training at 3 levels – ACE Aware, ACE skilled and ACE leadership.
The ACE Aware training is a 45 minute webinar that summarises What ACEs Are, Why They Matter and What We Can Do, to prevent, respond and recover. Any adults are welcome to attend. If you’d like to join a session, you can register here:
ACE Skilled training is a half day, face to face training for professionals that supports a deeper understanding of ACEs. You will learn how ACEs impact upon our community and systemsy, the impact it can have and how the Growing Stronger ACE Response Framework can enhance your daily practice to be more ACE aware and responsive. You will receive resource to support utilising the five elements of the framework into your practice.
ACE Leadership is a full day face to face training for managers and leaders within organisations. It considers ACEs and our response from a systems perspective. You will learn how the elements of the response framework can be utilised to support staff and adapt policies procedures and systems to make our organisations more ACE Aware and responsive.
Growing Stronger Together
Growing Stronger Together is a Fully Funded 3-Day Train the Trainer course for colleagues working in Liverpool.
Growing Stronger Together is a 4-session model for working with adults who have experienced adversity in their childhoods, the model can be used as a 1:2:1 or small group intervention and can be adapted for staff training. It is a psychologically informed training model with on-going group supervision support which develops skills in Compassion, Acceptance and Relationships – CAR.
Growing Stronger Together is based on the Growing Stronger Response Framework in Liverpool (Growing Stronger) which aims to help people of all backgrounds and ages within the local area build resilience for and protection from Adverse Childhood Experiences, (ACEs). Growing Stronger Together specifically addresses the third goal of the project.
The project takes a strength-based approach and has three main goals:
- Preventing ACEs from occurring
- Supporting children who may be affected by ACEs
- Supporting adults who may be affected by their own ACEs – evidence tells us that working on this aim will have a positive impact on the first two aims
All of the below courses are based in Alt Valley Community Trust. Please follow the links below for further details and to reserve places:
To register your course, find courses near you or register to become a Growing Stronger Together Trainer, then please click the below to find out how: